Funny Birthday Wishes for Elder Sister

57 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday from mom and dad’s
favorite child! Don’t worry though,
sis, you’re a very close runner-up!
Happy birthday to a naughty younger brother
You’re lucky to have a dear sister like me
Being the elder sister and having to look out for me can’t have been easy when we were growing up, especially as I didn’t try and make it any easier! You must have had the patience of a saint back then!

Happy birthday to you today, sis!
You’re lucky to have a younger sister like me
People usually think you're the younger one
Happy birthday, my dear sister!

Don’t feel bad because I’ll always
be younger than you; if anything
you should feel bad that you’ll
always be older than me!

I’m sending you all my love and
best wishes to help you celebrate
your special day today.
You're older but not any wiser, sis
My elder sister reminds me of myself
How is it that you’re my elder sister and even though you’re turning another year older today, you simply never seem to age?! You’re making me look bad, sis!

I hope that I too will follow in your footsteps and just stop ageing at a certain point as well!

Happy birthday to you, my dear!
My dear big sister, how is it that with
each birthday you get another year
older, yet you never seem to age a
day! I hope that trait runs in our genes!

I’m wishing you an amazing and
beautiful birthday today, sis!
You’ll always be my little sidekick, brother
While you might be getting older, sis,
you can always look at me to remind
you what young looks like!

I’m just kidding with you! You look
really good considering your age!

Happy birthday to you from your
hilarious and beautiful younger sister!
I’ve always looked up to you, sis.

When we were younger it was simply because you were taller than me so I didn’t have a choice, but now it’s because I actually respect and admire you!

Happy birthday to you today.
Happy birthday to my cheeky sister!

No matter how old we get, you always retain that childish playfulness that you’ve always had!
There is no gift in the world more precious than a beautiful and unique sister like you, and there is no gift good enough for someone as incredible as you.

That’s exactly why I didn’t get you anything this year, sis! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my biggest
inspiration: my dear elder sister!

Looking back, everyone knew that
you would grow up to be someone
amazing and truly fabulous!

You might still have some growing
up to do but you’ll get there, sis!
Congratulations to you on your
special day, sis!

Your birthday is always a welcome
time for me because it’s just one more
reminder that you’re older than me!

I know it’s not my birthday, but that’s
the best gift you could ever give to me!
The fact I was born first
Is clear and plain to see
As you have more grays
And wrinkles than me!

Happy birthday to you,
My dear elder sister!
Don’t worry about all of the candles on
your birthday cake this year, sis. I have a
fire extinguisher on standby just in case!

I’m only messing with you! Happy birthday,
I hope you have a truly fabulous day today!
Age might not be on your
side but I always will be!
You can always count on
me for anything, sis!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, sis!

It might not make you feel better, but I can always find comfort knowing that you’re older than I am and you always will be!

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