Funny Birthday Wishes for Sister

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Happy birthday, little sis!

I don’t wish to take the spotlight off you on your special day today, but you should know that I already have the greatest gift ever.

That’s because simply having a small sister like you is the best gift I could wish for!
You’re lucky to have a dear sister like me
My cheeky little sister is growing up
Growing up you always were a little princess and a mega diva, and I’m so pleased to see that nothing has changed since then! Happy birthday, my forever fabulous younger sister!
You’ll be my little sis forever and ever
Sometimes sassy but always fabulous
Being the elder sister and having to look out for me can’t have been easy when we were growing up, especially as I didn’t try and make it any easier! You must have had the patience of a saint back then!

Happy birthday to you today, sis!
I'll always be older than you, little sis
A little sis who is big in my heart
Happy birthday, my dear sister!

Don’t feel bad because I’ll always
be younger than you; if anything
you should feel bad that you’ll
always be older than me!

I’m sending you all my love and
best wishes to help you celebrate
your special day today.
How is it that you’re my elder sister and even though you’re turning another year older today, you simply never seem to age?! You’re making me look bad, sis!

I hope that I too will follow in your footsteps and just stop ageing at a certain point as well!

Happy birthday to you, my dear!
You’ll always be my little sidekick, brother
I see a lot of myself in you, little sis
Happy birthday to my younger sister who a lot of people think is actually my elder sister!

I’m sure it’s only because you’re so wise and mature that people think you’re older than me anyway, sis! Either that or I just seem super young and immature!
The cracks are finally starting to show, sis
My dear big sister, how is it that with
each birthday you get another year
older, yet you never seem to age a
day! I hope that trait runs in our genes!

I’m wishing you an amazing and
beautiful birthday today, sis!
While you might be getting older, sis,
you can always look at me to remind
you what young looks like!

I’m just kidding with you! You look
really good considering your age!

Happy birthday to you from your
hilarious and beautiful younger sister!
I’ve always looked up to you, sis.

When we were younger it was simply because you were taller than me so I didn’t have a choice, but now it’s because I actually respect and admire you!

Happy birthday to you today.
Happy birthday, little sis!

Over the years you have driven me up the
wall and tried my patience time and time
again, but really I have you to thank for
that as it’s partly down to you that I’m such
a calm, patient, and zen person nowadays!
Happy birthday to my cheeky sister!

No matter how old we get, you always retain that childish playfulness that you’ve always had!
Happy birthday to my beautiful younger
sister who still isn’t showing her age…
nor is she acting it yet, either!
If there’s one birthday
I would never miss
It’d be the birthday of
My sweet little sis!

I’d never pass up
The opportunity to
Remind you that I’m
The older and wiser one,
And I always will be!

Happy birthday!
I’m lucky to have a sister like you and
you’re lucky to have a brother like me.
We’re both pretty fortunate, really!
At times you might be annoying
Sometimes you drive me mad
But you’ll always be my sister
And really, you’re not all bad!

I guess if I’m totally honest
I wouldn’t choose anyone else!

Happy birthday to you, sis!

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