Funny Birthday Wishes for Sister

164 happy birthday wishes found:

There are many types of gifts in the world,
but one gift that even money can’t buy is
a wonderful elder sister like me!

Happy birthday, little brother!
Happy birthday to the world’s luckiest brother! If you’re wondering why you’re so lucky, it’s obviously because you have a super fab sister like me!
Happy birthday, little brother! You might be jealous of your big sister in many ways, but I’ll always be envious of the fact that you’ll always be younger than me!
Happy birthday, little brother! 

Seeing what an honor it must be 
having a fabulous sister like me, 
I didn’t think it was necessary to 
get you any other gift this year!
Sure, you’ve still got some growing
up to do but you’re definitely getting
there, little bro!

Happy birthday from your fabulous
elder sister!
The best brother in the world deserves
the very best wishes on his birthday…
I hope that guy has a wonderful day,
wherever he is!

Of course, I hope you have a great
birthday too, little bro! Happy birthday
from your fabulous elder sister!
Happy birthday, my soul sister!

Few friends are as close as we are, girl!
In fact, some would say that we’re too
close... but they’re just jealous!
Happy birthday to the best kid brother a sister could wish for! You might be crazy and sometimes annoying, but I wouldn’t trade you for the world!
Happy birthday, bro!

You deserve a very big and extra special gift on your birthday for surviving another year of putting up with an annoying sister like me! 
Happy birthday big brother from your visibly younger, funnier, and more attractive sister!

Don’t worry, you also have some good attributes too - they're just perhaps a little less obvious!

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