105 Awesome Birthday Wishes for Your Brother

Happy birthday, dear brother!

I was going to buy you hair dye for your birthday gift this year, but then I thought a hat would be a better idea since it’ll cover both gray hair and your eventual baldness! I’m always thinking of you, bro!
Happy birthday, brother!

After another trip around the sun, I thought you might’ve picked up some wisdom on the way around! Ah well, there’s always next year!
For a brother so sweet
As you celebrate your
Very special day
I’m sending the most
Heart touching birthday
Wishes your way.

Happy birthday, brother.
May you have a year
Ahead that’s filled with
Happiness and joy.
Happy birthday, brother!

Sometimes we might argue or have the occasional light-hearted fight, but when the dust settles and above all that, I think it’s clear for all to see just how incredibly dear you are to me!
For an incredible brother like you
And for everything that you do
I’m wishing you a birthday full of joy
With many great moments to enjoy.

Happy birthday from sis.
Happy birthday, bro. I can’t tell you the impact you’ve had on me and how meaningful you are to my life. I’m truly grateful to have a brother like you.
There might be two of us, but we’re still
one of a kind! May we have the best
birthday ever today, twin bro!
You’re so kind, so smart
You’re my dear big bro
You’ve touched my heart
More than you know.

Happy birthday to you!
Brothers and sisters share a bond that is deep and true, and I feel truly blessed to have that special sibling connection with you. We’re very lucky to have each other, and I hope you know that I will always be there for you. 

Happy birthday from your favourite person in the whole wide world: your dear sister. 
Little bro, if I can give you any advice
as your wise elder sibling it would
simply be to live in the moment and
enjoy each day of your youth.

Trust me, when you get as old and
withered as me you’ll be glad that
you did! Happy birthday, dude!
I’m wishing you a very happy birthday today and I pray that you are blessed with good health and success for the upcoming year, my dear brother.
I am so grateful to have you in my life, big brother. You’ve always been there for me and loved me no matter what.

I couldn’t ask for a better brother, someone who has always looked out for me.

May you have a fantastic birthday!
Little brother, you’re growing up so
fast that it won’t be long before you
overtake me! In maturity, that is!

Have a great birthday! 🙌
My naughty little brother isn’t so little anymore, but he’s still just as naughty!

May you always have the cheeky and playful personality that you’ve always had since you were small! Happy birthday to you, my dear kid bro!
Happy birthday to my favorite little guy!

I’m lucky that you’re my brother, but you’re even luckier to have an elder sister like me who loves and appreciates you so much!

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