Sister Birthday Status

411 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, girl!

There are friends and there are sisters,
but very few are special enough to be
both. I’m blessed to know someone as
wonderful as you.
An adorable little star in my life
To my biggest inspiration
Age might not be on your
side but I always will be!
You can always count on
me for anything, sis!

Happy birthday to you!
I see a lot of myself in you, little sis
You’re my true sister at heart, bestie
May your birthday be just like the day you were born: with you screaming and everyone making a fuss of you!

Happy birthday, sis!
Happy birthday to my fabulous sister
Happy birthday from miles away
Happy birthday to my sister from the same mister! I’m wishing you all the happiness in the world as you celebrate your special day today, sis!
Today isn’t only my birthday, but also my twin sister’s too! I’m more than happy to share my special day with such an important person in my life!
The cracks are finally starting to show, sis
You're the most precious gift
Wow, sis, you’ve had so many birthdays now that I’m starting to lose count!

What’s worse is that I’m older than you, so what does that say about me! Happy birthday!
I wish a warm and happy birthday
I’m blessed to have a sister like you
Happy birthday to my always glamorous and forever fabulous sister from another mister! You truly are beautiful, girl, inside and out!
Few friends are like sisters
And few friends are like you!

Happy birthday to you, my
Sis from another miss!
Two tremendous twins are celebrating their birthday today: me and my sister!

I am so excited to celebrate this special day with all of our friends and family!
If you weren’t my cousin
You would be my sibling
As you truly are my sister 
Just from another mister!

Happy birthday, my dear!
My sweet cousin, you’re as dear 
and meaningful to me as any sister
and just as annoying as one, too!

May you have a fabulous birthday!
Happy birthday, sis!

It might not make you feel better, but I can always find comfort knowing that you’re older than I am and you always will be!
To have a brother like you
When in the world there are few
Means so much more to me
Than you will ever even know. 

Happy birthday from your sis.
No matter how old we grow or how far apart from one another we may be, you will always be the most special sister to me. Happy birthday, dearest sister.
Happy birthday to my forever fabulous sister!

No matter how many years pass, or however old we get, I’ll always cherish and adore you with my whole entire heart.

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