Sister Birthday Status

411 happy birthday wishes found:

Of course we had our fights, but we also
had endless nights of sharing and caring.

All of this is part of having a great sister.

Happy birthday, little sis!
Happy birthday to you, my
beautiful friend!

You’re as close as someone
could come to being a sister
without actually being related!
Congratulations on getting through another year, sis! I know you couldn’t have done it without the love and support of your dear elder sibling! 
You might be older than me, but I’ll always look out and care for you as if you were my younger sister!

Happy birthday to you today!
The fact that you’re turning another year older simply makes me feel older than ever! Thanks a lot, little sis!
A gal pal like you who
Is so funny and sweet
Is more like a sister
Than anyone I’ll meet!

Happy birthday, my
Sister from another!
Happy birthday, little sis!

I’m blessed to have had
such a wonderful sidekick
like you all these years!

May you continue to follow
in my fabulous footsteps!
Happy birthday to my number 1 gal pal!

May your special day be as truly special
as you are to me. Love you, girl!
Don’t let another birthday get you down,
sis! After all, what difference does one
more year really make at this point!
On this day, the most special member of this family was born: my dear big sister!

May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!
Having an older sister is twice the fun,
twice the caring and twice the wardrobe!

Happy birthday!
Age might not be your friend, cousin, but I always will be! You can always rely on me for sisterly support no matter how old you get!
Happy birthday to my older sis who, in truth, most people think is actually my younger sis!

Wishing you an awesome day today!
Happy birthday to a girl who has stuck by me like a sister. We’ll be the best of friends forever and ever.
We must have been separated at birth because I am almost certain that we’re long lost sisters!

I’m wishing you a sweet and happy birthday today, girl!

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