Birthday Wishes for Elder Sister

162 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday!

Much like a beautiful flower that blooms over time, you too become more and more beautiful with age, sis. I hope the same is true for me!
I wish a warm and happy birthday
Congratulations to you on your
special day, sis!

Your birthday is always a welcome
time for me because it’s just one more
reminder that you’re older than me!

I know it’s not my birthday, but that’s
the best gift you could ever give to me!
Happy birthday, big sis!

Many nights we stayed up late just sharing our innermost feelings, our deepest thoughts and our most troublesome worries. We made up games and created secret signals that only we knew.

Today, we may not spend as much time together as we used to or as we would like to, but you can be sure that you are still the most amazing person in my life.

I wish you the most amazing day!
You are my everything and
so much more, big sis.

You mean the world to me!

Have a mega happy birthday!
Don’t worry about all of the candles on
your birthday cake this year, sis. I have a
fire extinguisher on standby just in case!

I’m only messing with you! Happy birthday,
I hope you have a truly fabulous day today!
Today is your special day, big sis, and I would like to thank you for always keeping a close and caring eye on me, never letting anything interfere with my happiness and for always protecting me.

I’m so blessed for having you in my life and being able to share my childhood with you. I feel like I owe so much to you.

Have a great birthday, dear sis!
Looking back at our childhood, I can only find happy memories of our times together. It warms my heart to know that we still have many more years to enjoy together.

Have a spectacular birthday as you deserve, big sister!
Age might not be on your
side but I always will be!
You can always count on
me for anything, sis!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, sis!

It might not make you feel better, but I can always find comfort knowing that you’re older than I am and you always will be!
You might be getting older today, sis, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re getting any wiser!

I’m just kidding with you! You'll always be my role model as I’ve learned so much from you and you’ll always be one of my biggest inspirations!

Happy birthday to you!
The most heartfelt wishes to you, big sis! I’m so blessed to have you in my life. I wish you all the happiness in the world!
Happy birthday, sis.

Thank you so much for being my guiding light, illuminating the path for me, and making mistakes first so that I don’t have to!

Sometimes I wonder if you take a wrong turn on purpose just to show me what not to do!
If wisdom and beauty come with age then you must be really wise and really beautiful by now, sis!

Happy birthday to you!
Your birthday is just one more
opportunity for me to remind
you that you’re older than
me and always will be!

Thank you for that, sis!
You might be older than me but you certainly don’t look it! It seems as though you were blessed with the good genes in the family, sis! Happy birthday!

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