Birthday Wishes for Elder Sister

162 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, sis!

Today is your special day so I won’t
make it all about me, but as you turn
another year older I can’t help but be
reminded of the fact that I’m even
older than that! Thanks a lot!
There’s no one else like
My sweet eldest brother
You’re funny and unique
Simply unlike any other!

Happy birthday from your 
Younger sister who loves 
You lots and lots!
Happy birthday from the older
and much better-looking sibling!

Just kidding, sis! I hope you
have a wonderful birthday today!
Happy birthday, sis! Although you can’t rewind and get any younger, at least we can stop counting from this year onwards to make sure you don’t get any older!
Don’t worry about getting older, my
dear cousin!

It happens to us all but luckily for us,
we have great genes that should see
us age more gracefully than others!
How fortunate are we!

I hope you have a birthday that’s as
beautiful and fabulous as you are!
Happy birthday! Your birthday is always a
pleasing time for me as it reminds me that
you’ll always be older than me, cousin!
Wow, sis, you’ve had so many birthdays now that I’m starting to lose count!

What’s worse is that I’m older than you, so what does that say about me! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to a cousin who doesn’t
get older, she simply gets more fabulous!

According to my calculations, by the time
you’re an old woman you’re going to be
truly spectacular!

I’m sending you all my love and big kisses
on your special day today!
I’m wishing you a happy birthday today, bestie! Well, as happy as it can be considering you’ve just got another whole year older!
Sending lots of birthday love to my big brother who is more like the little sister I never had! Thanks for all the good times and happy years, bro!
Congratulations on getting through another year, sis! I know you couldn’t have done it without the love and support of your dear elder sibling! 
The fact that you’re turning another year older simply makes me feel older than ever! Thanks a lot, little sis!
Happy birthday to my older sis who, in truth, most people think is actually my younger sis!

Wishing you an awesome day today!
You can’t stop getting older, little sis,
so your only hope is that you grow old
gracefully like me! Happy birthday to you!
As your elder sibling, it’s my duty to boss you around and act as though you’re always bothering me but seeing as today is your special day I’ll give you a break!

Happy birthday to you, little sis!

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