Happy Birthday Twins

166 happy birthday wishes found:

Today is our birthday, bro!

Our connection far surpasses that of any other siblings. It is so strong that if we were ever to be separated from each other in life, I would feel as though half of my soul was missing.

You are the single most important person to me and I want you to always know that!
Two is better than one and
we’re living proof of that, bro!

Happy birthday to you today
and happy birthday to me, too!
Year after year, on the very same day, I’m lucky enough to share a birthday with my favorite person and best friend in the whole world. Happy birthday, bro.
You both share a special and unbreakable bond. You will also share a cake because it’s cheaper. Happy birthday from dad!
Everything's better when they come in pairs and I think we’re living proof of that! Happy birthday, bro!
This is just to remind you that the best things in life come in pairs! A wonderful birthday to you both!
Sweet brother of mine, today isn’t just another day, today is the anniversary of our birth. We are so blessed to have shared life from day one; this rare opportunity makes us part of the few who get to experience just how special this is.

You are my best friend and I will love you to the very end of our days. Happy birthday to us!
My gift to you this year is that I’ll let you take the spotlight on our birthday for a change! Happy bday to us, bro!
People might struggle to tell us apart but to me, that’s actually one of the biggest compliments anyone could ever give me!

We’re already pretty similar but if I can be more like you then that’s just a bonus!

Happy birthday to us, sis!
Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
Congratulations need to be double
On your very special day,
Otherwise there would be trouble.

You will always have each other,
To support, to listen, to love,
This relationship is like no other,
You both will ever have.

You look so much alike,
But act in different ways.
We never see you apart,
Not for a second, not for a day.

May your birthday be double the fun!
Together, we’re a matching pair! Happy birthday to us today! I hope your day is just as good as it is for me!
You may have inherited the brains but I got the good looks! Happy birthday to us on our very special day!
Happy birthday, bro!

You know, you remind me of someone
else who’s really handsome and funny...

It’s literally like looking into a mirror!
Like so many things in our lives, our
birthday is just another part of us that’s
identical! Happy birthday to us, sis!
There isn’t a cake big enough for the both of us, so I’ll eat it all by myself! Happy birthday to us!

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