Happy 2nd Birthday Quotes

137 happy birthday wishes found:

Sweet baby girl, every time I look into your eyes my heart is instantly filled with joy, happiness, and so much love. Happy 2nd birthday, my adorable little princess. 
God truly did bless me
With a sweet boy like you
A baby to brighten my days
You’re a dream come true.

Happy 2nd birthday with love
From mom, my sweetheart.
My sweet baby girl, today you double
in age and the love I have in my heart
for you doubles too. Just when I think
I couldn’t adore you any more than I
already do, somehow my heart finds
room. It seems that as you grow, so
does my heart with love for you.

Happy 2nd birthday from dad,
my precious little princess.
Who would have thought that in just
24 months a human being as little
and as tiny as you could have such
an effect on this world. You have
already stolen the hearts of so
many with your adorable giggle
and cute smile.

May you have many more years as
happy as these past 2 have been.

Happy 2nd birthday, princess.
Happy 2nd birthday, nephew! 

You’re the cutest and most awesome little boy and I couldn’t be prouder to be your uncle!
I have only the sweetest birthday wishes for the sweetest birthday boy today! May your 2nd birthday ever be even better than the 1st!
You’re already getting so big
Now that you’ve turned 2
I’m so excited to see all of
The fantastic things you’ll do!

Happy 2nd birthday!
Happy 2nd birthday, little one.

The joy that you brought into this world
2 years ago has only gotten brighter,
stronger, and more wonderful each day.
You truly are a little miracle that warms
the hearts of all those around you.

God bless you, sweet baby girl.
I’m wishing a happy 2nd birthday
To an adorable girl, a gift from above
May your special day be blessed
With lots of happiness and love.

God bless you, baby girl.
My sweet granddaughter, you’re
growing so quickly as today you turn
2, and just as you grow so does the
immense love that I have for you. 

Happy 2nd birthday, baby girl.
Birthday boy
You turn 2 today
Another year older
And cuter than ever!

Happy 2nd birthday!
I’ve heard of many a toddler
Who’ve entered the terrible twos
But you are so adorable and cute
That could never be true of you!
You must be turning terrific two!

Happy 2nd birthday, little one!
My sweet baby niece,
Today you turn 2 
And I couldn’t have 
Any more love for you. 

You truly are the
Greatest blessing.

Happy 2nd birthday.
Happy birthday, little one! May your 2nd birthday be as brilliant and as beautiful as the wonderful little boy that you are.
To me, you can do no wrong
You’re the apple of my eye
I love you to the moon and back
You’re my special little guy.

Happy 2nd birthday, my sweet boy. 

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