Birthday Wishes for Younger Brother

103 happy birthday wishes found:

Each year that you get older
However much you grow
You’ll still be my little bro
I want you to always know!

Happy birthday to you!
You might be another year older,
little brother, but you definitely don’t
look it and you certainly don’t act it!

You’ll be able to fool people with
your age for many years to come,
I’m sure of it!

Happy birthday from your forever
wise elder sister!
We’re so lucky, little brother! We had a great childhood filled with amazing moments. Always playing around and having fun. Our parents were the best, they always seemed to know exactly what to say and do. Then there's our amazing and warm family that would always get together on those special days.

But, I’m afraid to say that, out of the two of us, you’re the luckiest. It’s true; you’re the luckiest because you also have a sibling who absolutely adores you and would do anything for you. Someone who is capable of moving heaven and earth for you.

I adore you, little bro! Have a wonderful birthday!
Happy birthday, little brother! 

Seeing what an honor it must be 
having a fabulous sister like me, 
I didn’t think it was necessary to 
get you any other gift this year!
Happy birthday, little brother!

They say that the older you get, the
wiser and more mature you become
but don’t let that fool you, bro.

I’m older than you and I’m still waiting
for that to happen, so you’re likely to
be waiting even longer!
For a long time, you were number two,
But slowly you started to catch up
And started beating me at most things.
But there is one dispute I will never lose.
No matter how hard you try
And with the years that go by
I will always be older than you.

Happy birthday, baby brother!
Happy birthday, little bro!

I’m happy for you that it’s your birthday,
but I’m sad it’s not mine! You know I love
the attention and getting lots of gifts!
The older you get, the wiser and smarter you become… is the case for most people.

You always did stand out from the crowd when you were younger, bro, and I’m glad to see that you’re no different now!

Happy birthday to you!
I might have forgotten to get you a birthday
present, but at least I didn’t forget your
actual birthday!

So, please accept these words and warm
wishes as your gift this year! Wishing you
a very happy birthday, little brother!
A little brother is like
a super annoying flea:
They never leave you alone
and just let you be!

Happy birthday!
I might not tell you often,
but you mean more to me
than you’ll ever know,
because even when you’re
being annoying, you’ll 
always be my little bro!

Happy birthday!
Whenever I was feeling down, you were the little bundle of joy who always cheered me up. Growing up with you was the best. I can’t imagine how my childhood would have been without your laughter filling the house.

I was always so protective of you, sometimes maybe even too protective. But I couldn’t even imagine you getting hurt. I hope you understand it was all out of love for you.

We became friends along the way, the best of friends. There is no one else in the whole wide world that I would call immediately with good news.

I wish you but the best on your special day, baby bro!
Happy birthday to the world’s best little
brother from the world’s best big brother!

There’s simply no way of getting away from
the fact that we’re world-class siblings, bro!
Sure, you’ve still got some growing
up to do but you’re definitely getting
there, little bro!

Happy birthday from your fabulous
elder sister!
The best brother in the world deserves
the very best wishes on his birthday…
I hope that guy has a wonderful day,
wherever he is!

Of course, I hope you have a great
birthday too, little bro! Happy birthday
from your fabulous elder sister!

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