Birthday Wishes for Mom from Son

61 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday mommy,
from your little boy!

I hope you have a really
amazing birthday today!

Love you lots!
Happy birthday to my fun mom!

All my friends are jealous of how fun and cool you are! I’m one lucky son!

On your very special 
Day this year, I just
Want to tell you that
To me, you are so dear.

Thank you for everything
You have done for me.
Without a parent like you
I wouldn’t be the great son
That you see before you.

Happy birthday.
Wishing the very best birthday to the most amazing mom a boy could ever wish for!

Sending you all my love and the warmest hugs, mom!

I might not say it enough, but I have
a lot of love for you and I truly
appreciate everything that you do. 

Happy birthday from your favorite son.

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