Birthday Wishes for Father from Son

52 happy birthday wishes found:

Out of all the superheroes in the world,
you’re my favorite, dad. You’re always
looking out for me and keeping me safe,
and I know I can count on you for anything.

Happy birthday and a big hug from your
super lucky son.
Happy birthday from my heart to yours, dad
The best dad deserves the best wishes
My hero, my idol, and my biggest mentor.
I am the man that I am today because of
you, dad.

For me, no day is more heart-touching
than your birthday, as it’s just one more
opportunity for me to say thank you for
all that you’ve done for me over the years
and for everything you continue to do.

Happy birthday to you, my fantastic father.
My father is a truly inspirational man
You're the best role model, dad
Any son would be lucky to have
a father like you who is a truly
incredible and selfless man.

I am so grateful for everything
you do for me, dad. I always
have been and I always will be.

So for all that you are and all of the
wonderful things that you do, I’m
wishing a very special day to you.
You’re my everyday hero, dad
I hope I can be a dad like you someday
Happy birthday, dad.

On your special day this year,
I want you to know that you
are the man I look up to most.
I always have and I always will.

I’m sending my very best wishes
your way today.
Happy birthday to a remarkable man
I’m proud to call my father.

Since the day I was born you have
dedicated your life to protecting me,
teaching me countless lessons, and
making sure I’m always happy.

For those reasons and more, you’ll
always be my hero, dad.
You’re the man I look up to, dad
Happy birthday, dad!

Not only do I have the greatest role
model in the world to look up to, but
I also have the very best friend and
greatest adviser in you.

I’m so grateful to have you as my
father to guide me through all of
life’s challenges and help shape
me into a great man like you.
Dad, you are the person I have always looked up to with love, admiration, and total respect.

You have taught me all the lessons in life I could ever need and more. If I grow up to be even half the man you are, then I would be more than content.

I hope you have the wonderful birthday this year that you are so deserving of, papa.
Happy birthday to a man
Who has a heart of gold
Which only gets bigger
The more he grows old.

I’m so proud to be your son
That feeling increases each year
There's nobody else I'd rather
Have as my dear old father.
Dad, you are a man who is more
meaningful to me than any other.
You are the most inspirational
figure in my life, and the man I
always aspire to be.

In short, you’re one in a million,
dad. Happy birthday to you.
There are lots of things that I’m
grateful for, but my proudest claim
in life will always be that I’m able
to say I have you as a father.

You are the greatest role model
and that will always be something
I am incredibly thankful for.

I’m wishing you the very
happiest birthday, dad.
My hero, my idol, my mentor and a friend.
To me, you’re all this and more, dad.

Any son would be lucky to have a father
like you. Happy birthday.
For all that you are
And all that you do
I couldn’t wish for a 
Better father than you.

Happy birthday from
The world’s luckiest son.
My dear father, I want you to know,
on your special day, that you have
been a huge inspiration to me over
the years, and yet you continue to
be so even more.

I am so fortunate to be your son, and
I am just so thankful for everything
you have done for me.

Happy birthday to you and thank you,
from the very bottom of my heart.
Happy birthday, dad. I consider myself to be one of the luckiest sons in the world, as having a father and role model like you is a true blessing.
Happy birthday, dad!

You might feel fortunate and blessed on your special day, but the truth is that really I’m the lucky one for being your son!

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