Birthday Wishes for Husband

188 happy birthday wishes found:

You might be many miles away today,
but we can still celebrate your special
day in our own way!

Your birthday doesn’t have to pass by
unnoticed just because we’re spending
it apart. I’ll do everything I can from here
to make this a birthday to remember!

I hope you enjoy your special day, my
dear future husband! Happy birthday!
This year I wish you a happy birthday
as my fiancé, but next year I’ll be wishing
you a happy birthday as my husband!
I can’t wait! Let us have a fantastic day
celebrating you, and take a pause today
from planning the wedding to just relax!

With all my love, always.
Happy birthday to my wife
who truly does deserve a trophy!

There aren’t many women who
would be up to the challenge of
being married to a husband like me!
Huge congratulations to my incredible
wife who not only deserves a big slice
of birthday cake today, but she also
deserves a medal or a trophy for
putting up with a husband like me!

You truly are a saint, my dear!
Happy birthday to you, with love!
If I’m a funny husband it’s only because I have such a funny wife! You are my inspiration and the driving force behind everything that I do. I truly am blessed to have found someone who is as special as you. 

Happy birthday, my sweetheart!
My love for you yearns greater than this distance between us, but I find comfort knowing we’ll be back in each other’s arms before long.

Happy birthday and know that I’m thinking of you today, my handsome future husband!
Since we’re not spending your
birthday together in person this
year, I’ve had to find other ways
of celebrating your special day.

So, you can be sure that you’re
on my mind and in my thoughts,
and of course in my heart.

Happy birthday to you, my
handsome husband-to-be!
Today, I have only the very best
birthday wishes for you, my wife,
with love from your husband.
You were the first to welcome me into the family and you instantly made me feel at home. I could see right away the very special man you are and the many qualities you have.

You are a great husband to my mother-in-law, always treating her so gently. You are an amazing father to my husband, he is so proud of you. You are a fantastic grandfather to my kids, always treating them with so much love and care. And after all of those important roles that you carry out so brilliantly, you still have time for me.

I wish you a day as special as you are.
Happy birthday, my dear fiancé!

I can’t wait to start this journey
with you as my husband!
Today is the birthday of many great men: my sister’s husband, my nephew's father, my parent's son-in-law, my brother-in-law and an all-round great guy. Who would ever imagine that there could be so many?

The best of birthdays to you all!
Another year has passed since you came into our lives, dear brother-in-law. You were a kid then, but you have grown into an amazing man and a wonderful husband to my sister.

I barely knew you then, but now, I must say, you are one of the most important people in my life. You are like a brother to me.

Have an amazing birthday!
The very best wife deserves the very
best birthday wishes! Happy birthday!

May your special day be romantic
and filled with love, courtesy of
your wonderful husband!
Happy wedding anniversary, my dear!

Ever since I met you my life has been
infinitely better. My days are brighter
and since we became husband and wife
I wake up each day with the biggest
smile on my face, fully content and filled
with so much happiness.

I can’t remember life before you but
I certainly couldn’t imagine a life
without you.

Thank you for constantly making me
happy! Here’s to many more incredible
years together!
Happy birthday to the world’s best wife, from the world’s most wonderful husband! Together, we truly make a dream team, my love!

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