Happy 12th Birthday

41 happy birthday wishes found:

Out of all the 12-year-olds 
Celebrating their birthday today,
I’m hoping that yours is the 
Best in every possible way!

Happy 12th birthday, kid!
Your final birthday of being a kid
It’s the very last one
So may it be awesome
And filled with so much fun!

Happy 12th birthday!
Happy birthday to you!

You deserve all of the spotlight,
the most beautiful gifts, and all
the happiness in the world on your
12th birthday today, sweet girl.
Birthdays come and go quickly
So may you enjoy your special
Day to the maximum this year
So that when it’s been and done
Hopefully your 12th birthday
Party will have been full of fun!

A huge happy birthday to you!
Today’s the 12th birthday
Of someone seriously cool
So for this awesome person
I’m wishing the best day of all!

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