Top 60 Funny Birthday Wishes for Your Younger Brother

You might be another year older,
little brother, but you definitely don’t
look it and you certainly don’t act it!

You’ll be able to fool people with
your age for many years to come,
I’m sure of it!

Happy birthday from your forever
wise elder sister!
There are many types of gifts in the world,
but one gift that even money can’t buy is
a wonderful elder sister like me!

Happy birthday, little brother!
Getting older doesn’t necessarily
mean that you’re growing up…
You’re still the same kid I’ve always
known and loved, little brother! 

Happy birthday!
Each year that you get older
However much you grow
You’ll still be my little bro
I want you to always know!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, little brother!

Younger than me
You will always be
But never in my shadow
Will you ever be, kiddo!
Happy birthday, bro! 

Like lots of little brothers you were
naughty, mischievous, cheeky, and
sometimes annoying growing up,
and I’m so glad to see that nothing
has changed since then!

May you never change, my dear
younger brother!
Happy birthday, little brother! You might be jealous of your big sister in many ways, but I’ll always be envious of the fact that you’ll always be younger than me!
As my younger brother you might get
to make fun of me for being older than
you, but just remember that every year
my cake will always be bigger than yours
because it needs to hold more candles!

Now who’s laughing, bro!
Happy birthday, little brother! You can’t help but get older, but you can try your best to stay younger.

Just keep your childish sense of humor and don’t become any more mature! 
Happy birthday, little brother! 

Seeing what an honor it must be 
having a fabulous sister like me, 
I didn’t think it was necessary to 
get you any other gift this year!
Happy birthday to you, brother! If
you’re concerned about getting older,
just remember that age is nothing
more than a number.

It just so happens that in your case that
number is becoming quite a big one!
Happy birthday, little brother!

They say that the older you get, the
wiser and more mature you become
but don’t let that fool you, bro.

I’m older than you and I’m still waiting
for that to happen, so you’re likely to
be waiting even longer!
I might not tell you often,
but you mean more to me
than you’ll ever know,
because even when you’re
being annoying, you’ll 
always be my little bro!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the smartest, funniest, and most amazing sibling in the world!

Oh, hold on… that should say from, not to!
I’m so blessed to have both 
a brother and a buddy in you
all rolled up into one cute, 
adorable, tiny package! 

Happy birthday, little man!

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