Birthday Wishes for Your Boyfriend That Will Make His Heart Leap

I know that you might be glad of a break from me, but I wish there wasn’t so much distance between us on your birthday this year. It won’t be long and I’ll be back to annoying you with my love! 🤗
It doesn’t matter where either of us are in
the world, together or apart, my love is all
around you and your love is all around me.

I carry you in my heart wherever I go and
I feel your love surrounding me, always.
Like a tight hug, your love makes me feel
safe and comforted.

Wishing you a happy birthday and sending
you even more love on your special day,
my darling.
My love for you stretches even further than the many miles between us!

Happy birthday, my darling!
I wish time travel already existed so that I could teleport myself into your arms today, my sweet man. Until then, I’m wishing you a happy birthday from here.
Happy birthday from the best
gift you could ever ask for,
your ever-loving girlfriend!

Love you loads!
If I were there with you in person today I
could be more romantic, but know that
you’re still in my thoughts and in my heart.

I’m sending you all my prayers and wishes
on your special day today. Happy birthday
from your ever-loving girlfriend.
I hope the universe rewards such a kind and caring man with all of life’s little wonders and pleasures today!

Happy birthday, my dear ex!
Happy birthday! May your heart be filled with positive vibes today, and I hope all your wishes come true. Love you forever!
My sweetie,

Our love grows like a tree; it gets stronger by the moment. It started as a small tree, so fragile that even a gust of wind could break its branches. It could barely hold itself to the ground, but we cherished it and watered it and day by day its roots started to spread and gradually it was able to support the weight better.

Little by little the trunk became larger as did our feelings for each other. The branches started to see the sun and the leaves slowly appeared, one by one.

It took time, but today we have a majestic tall tree with a full crown and the juiciest fruit of all.

Have a fabulous birthday!
If I had but one wish, it would be that
on your birthday this year, you were
here holding me in your arms.

But I know that it is your birthday so
you make the wishes, and I am sure
you’ll be thinking of me when you’re
blowing out your candles.

Happy birthday, my love. I am counting
down the days until we are reunited.
We may no longer be an item, but you’re too important of a person not to wish a happy birthday today!

Happy birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday to you today, my handsome man! I would fly your birthday wishes to you today, but I’d be too tempted to hop on board and join them!

I hope you have a lovely day and we’ll celebrate together soon, my love.
May your birthday be a day
Full of happiness and glee
May it bring just as much
Joy as you bring to me
May you receive everything
That your heart desires 
May all your dreams come true
Because you deserve it all
Quite simply for being you.

Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday to you today, my one
and only.

You might be too far away for me to
give you a present this year, but I’m
sending you the biggest kiss from here.

I hope your special day is still a
special one without me there.
You are special to me in every way imaginable, and simply not having you here by my side makes it feel like there’s a part of me missing.

I can’t wait to be held in your big arms once again. Happy birthday, my love.

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