60+ Heart Touching Birthday Wishes for Someone Special

You’re not simply someone who means a lot to me; you’re the most special person in my entire life. Thank you for always being there to brighten my days.
Special wishes to warm your heart
You brighten my days and touch my heart
I wish so many good things for you today
on your special day, for you are someone
who is special in every single way. May
each moment meet you with tenderness,
filling your heart with endless happiness.

Happy birthday, my dear.
Each year that your birthday comes
around, the emotion of your special
day always tugs at my heartstrings.

You mean the world to me and all I
want is for you to be happy in life. You
deserve endless happiness, my dear.
For someone who adds so much light to my life and improves it in every way possible, I’m wishing but the happiest of birthdays today.

May your special day be as truly special as you are to me, my dear.
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

There is yet to be a word powerful
enough to suitably express just how
much you mean to me, as there are
currently no words alone that can
adequately tell you that.

Even if you put together all of the
best words in the dictionary, they
still wouldn’t be enough to match
the beautiful soul that you have.
Happy birthday wishes and big kisses
to you today, my love.

To me, you will always be that special
someone in my life who means more
to me than any other person.

My whole heart belongs to you and it
always will do.
On this day many years ago, a truly precious gift was bestowed upon the world: you.

Each year that your birthday comes around is one more opportunity to celebrate the wonderfully special person that you are.

Happy birthday to you, my dear.
It’s hard to believe the incredible impact
that just one person can have on your life,
but the effect you’ve had on mine is huge.

You’re the center of my universe and I
can’t imagine a world where you’re not
a part of it.

Happy birthday to you, my dearest.
I’m wishing you a very
happy birthday, love!

I hope that nothing but
happiness comes your way
today, and may your special
day this year warm your heart
in the same way you warm
mine each and every day.
Today, I am wishing the happiest of birthdays to a special somebody so truly dear to my heart. Not a day goes by where you don’t enter my mind, as you’re a person so sweet and kind.

May you have a magical birthday this year.
Today, you turn another year older and
become more precious to my heart than
ever before.

It seems that the older you get, the more
wonderful you become. It’s no surprise
that someone as special as you would
only get better with age, though.

I’m wishing the very happiest of birthdays
to you today, my dearest.
Someone so exceptionally unique,
deep within my heart you speak.

You are someone who makes me
smile every time I think of you,
someone who can cheer me up in
an instant simply by being yourself.

I hope you know how truly special
you are to me, my dearest. Happy
birthday to you today, and thank
you for lighting up my life no end.
Happy birthday to you!

To say you’re a special person
Couldn't be closer to the truth
You’re simply a wonderful human
I’m lucky to have you in my life.

I’m wishing you a special birthday
That’s heartwarming and sweet!
In my heart
You will always be
The most special
Someone to me.
Each year that passes
My love for you grows
And all I hope is that
It constantly shows.

I’m sending all of my love
And sweet birthday wishes
Your way, sweetheart.
I hope that today, on your special day, you're surrounded by the warmth of all your most loved ones.

May it be a day that is full of many spectacular moments for you to treasure for many years to come.

Happy birthday to you.

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