Happy Birthday Big Sister

38 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday to the person who has brought so much love into my life: my big sister! You gave so much to me growing up: support, care and loads of love.

You are an amazing, smart and strong woman who always knows what is best and the best way to do it.

I love you with all my heart. Have a fantastic birthday!
Happy birthday, little brother! You might be jealous of your big sister in many ways, but I’ll always be envious of the fact that you’ll always be younger than me!
Looking back at our childhood, I can only find happy memories of our times together. It warms my heart to know that we still have many more years to enjoy together.

Have a spectacular birthday as you deserve, big sister!
Happy birthday to my big sister, whom I love and look up to so much!

Have a great day, sis!
On this day, the most special member of this family was born: my dear big sister!

May you have a fantastic day and many more to come!
Today’s a very special day for someone
so sweet, supportive and of course super
stylish! It has to be the birthday of my
inspiring big sister!

I might be the main one, but I’m certainly
not the only one who wishes they could
be more like you, sis!

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