Spiritual Birthday Wishes

41 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday. May God clear a bright and wonderful path for you to continue your journey along this year.
Wishing you a blessed birthday this year and much joy throughout, my friend. Many happy returns to you. 
Many happy returns. May God’s voice
speak to you and may his care comfort
you through each and every day of this
new year in your life.
Many happy returns to you today.

May God look upon you and favor you with all of his joy and wisdom, for you truly deserve every blessing that comes your way.

Happy birthday to you. May you enjoy your special day.
Happy birthday to you, my dear.

I am praying that God not only showers
you with blessings on your special day
today but for each and every day of the
year ahead. You deserve every bit of
God’s kindness. 
Many happy returns to you, my dear friend. God answered all my prayers when he blessed me with a friend like you. 
On this birthday of yours, I’m praying that the light of the Lord shines brightly over you. May you be blessed with eternal joy.
I’m wishing you a heavenly birthday
today on your most blessed day of the
year. May good health and happiness
accompany you on your journey ahead.
May the Lord’s Prayer be with you
not only on your birthday today,
but each and every day that follows.

May you have a blessed birthday.
Many happy returns to you, my dear friend. May God continue to shine his almighty light upon you, guiding and protecting you for another new year ahead.

I’m sending sweet prayers your way and wishing you all the very best today. Happy birthday to you.
Many happy returns. May God bless you with a truly beautiful birthday this year, one that warms your soul with memories you’ll forever hold dear.
Many happy returns to you on this blessed day. I am praying that this new age brings only happiness, joy, and good spirits into your life for you truly deserve everything good in this world.

Happy birthday to you.
On my birthday this year, I am praying
that God blesses me and my loved
ones with a year ahead that is full
of happiness and good health.
What a wonderful world that we 
live in to be blessed with a kind, 
sweet soul such as yours 😇

Happy birthday to you, my friend.
May your birthday wishes
Come down from above,
Showering your special day 
This year with heavenly love.

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