Birthday Wishes for Lover Girl

40 happy birthday wishes found:

My heart is so full of love for you on your special day today, my beautiful lover. A girl like you truly is the most magnificent blessing.
My heart is so full of love for you
Wishes for a lover and a best friend
Happy birthday to my favourite person
in the whole world!

To me, you will always be so much more
than just a lover, girl. You are my sunshine
and my eternal happiness.
There’s simply no better time than
your special day to remind you that
you’re not just my lover, girl, you’re
the most special person to me.

Enjoy your birthday, my love.
Another year older and 
More radiant than ever 
You will always be beautiful
To me, my sweet lover girl. 

Happy birthday to you ❤️
I didn’t believe in fate or miracles until I met you, but simply having you in my life each and every day has proven that dreams and miracles do come true. Happy birthday, my love.
My love, on your special day this year, I’m wishing for all of your dreams to come true. After all, that’s the very least that a girl as sweet as you deserves. Happy birthday to you.
To have someone like you so close to me is a true blessing. I’m lucky to have you in my life, my love. Happy birthday. 
Today, tomorrow, and 
Each day that follows
My heart will always 
Be full of love for you.

Happy birthday, sweetie. 
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I hope you know always
How much I love you!

Happy birthday, sweetie!
Another glorious trip around the
sun spent in your company. 
I’m feeling very blessed on your
birthday to have you in my life.
Happy birthday to my girl! I’m sending you lots of lovely wishes on your special day today, filled with all the love in my heart.
Happy birthday to the one I love!

I am so lucky to have a beautiful
shining star like you in my life ⭐️
On your most special day of all days,
my dear, I’m sending the sweetest of
wishes your way filled with lots of love.

Happy birthday, my special one.
Happy birthday to a girl 
Who is unlike any other ❤️ 

If there is something I have 
Known from the very start
It’s that you will always occupy 
A special place in my heart.

I’m sending you my best wishes
Full of love on your special day.
Another year spent by your side is
another year to be grateful. I am so
blessed to be celebrating you, my one
and only, on your special day today.

Happy birthday, my love.

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