Funny Birthday Wishes for Childhood Best Friend

41 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, my old friend!

When you’ve been friends for as long as
we have, you don’t really have any choice
whether or not you remain friends until
the end of time. We know far too many of
each other’s secrets to ever pull the plug
on this friendship!
I miss the birthdays we used to have as
kids, but just because we’re older now
doesn’t mean they can’t still be fun!

Besides, you should have a celebration to
match your personality, so a children’s
party would be perfectly suited!

Happy birthday!
Happy birthday, my friend!

We grew up together, yet we still haven’t
actually grown up! I hope we stay young
and fun at heart forever!
Happy birthday to one of my oldest pals!

Old as in a longstanding friend and, well, you’re also just getting on a bit!
Growing up, we shared many laughs as
kids and we’re still laughing together to
this very day!

Congratulations to you on your special day
today, my friend, and here’s to many more
years of belly-laughing moments!
Today, I am wishing a super happy birthday to one of my very first friends!

My mind is drawing a blank right now, but you must have some good characteristics for us to have remained friends for as long as we have!
I have great memories of when we were younger and all the stupid things we would get up to, but we were just kids back then!

Thinking about it though, not much has changed since then so what’s our excuse going to be now!

Happy birthday to you, my dear friend!
Some friends come and go
But in you, I always know
Like glue, you’ll stick around
A true friendship we have found!

Happy birthday, bestie!
I can still remember how excited you
used to get as a kid every year when
your birthday would come around.

Years on and not much has changed!
I’m glad to see that you’re still
enthusiastic about getting older!

Happy birthday!
Having had a crazy friend like you
in my life since childhood says more
about me than it does you, I think!

I mean, I can’t be sane but at least
we can be bonkers together!

Happy birthday to you today, bestie!
Happy birthday, bestie!

I don’t know that we would be 
buddies now had we not been 
such good friends when we 
were younger. 

You’re far too cool for me now!
Happy birthday to my childhood bestie!

Do you know how I know that you’re a
true friend? Well, it’s because you’ve
stuck around and tolerated me for all
these years!

You must have the patience of a saint!

I hope you enjoy your special day today!
Remember when we were younger, my
friend, we used to be so fun and carefree.
What happened to those kids!

I’m wishing you a fab birthday today!
Happy birthday to you, my friend!

We sure did have some great times together as kids, but we have even better times now that we’re older! I guess a lot of things get better on their own and improve with age!
Happy birthday, bestie!

I like to think that as I was such a great influence on you growing up, I’ve contributed to the wonderful person you are today! You’re welcome!

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