Advance Birthday Wishes for Best Friend

42 happy birthday wishes found:

Your birthday can’t come quickly enough,
which means that your birthday wishes
can’t come early enough, my friend!

I’m counting down the days with
excitement as I’m just so eager to
celebrate your special day with you!

Happy pre-birthday to you!
To make sure that I’m the very first person to wish my best friend a happy birthday, I guess I’ll have to send my birthday wishes slightly earlier this year!

Best wishes to you, my friend!
A super special friend deserves their super special birthday wishes early! Happy birthday to you in advance, my friend!
Your birthday can’t come soon enough as I just cannot wait any longer to celebrate with you, my friend! We’ll have to have a pre-celebration to welcome it in before!
I couldn’t wait any longer to wish you a happy birthday, bestie! I hope you have a truly fabulous day when it arrives, girl!

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