Birthday Wishes for Soulmate

648 happy birthday wishes found:

The most special day of the year is fast
approaching: your birthday, my love!

There’s not long to go now but while we
wait for it to arrive, know that I’ve already
started making plans to make this a
birthday you won’t forget!
I'm with you in spirit
Every moment spent with you is bliss
Happy birthday to the most magnificent guy.

I can’t imagine there’s a better, kinder, or more caring boyfriend out there than you who can touch someone’s heart in the same way that you’ve touched mine. You truly are one-of-a-kind, my love.

I’m sending you lots of kisses and sweet wishes on your special day today.
You're always close to my heart, my love
I want to grow old with you, my love
I’ve searched to the very bottom of my heart to send you my deepest birthday wishes today, my love.

I wish I could be with you in person to celebrate your special day and make it more romantic, but we will make up for it when we’re reunited soon.

I'm sending you all my love today and the biggest birthday kisses possible.
My fabulous niece is finally turning 18
Carry my love with you always, boyfriend
Happy birthday, love!

You are a beautiful boy and a
magnificent man, a very special
person I am lucky to call my love.
I hope you know just how happy
and meaningful you make my life.

Thank you for touching my heart
each and every day.
I know that you might be glad of a break from me, but I wish there wasn’t so much distance between us on your birthday this year. It won’t be long and I’ll be back to annoying you with my love! 🤗
You appear more handsome with age
As you get older so do your jokes
It doesn’t matter where either of us are in
the world, together or apart, my love is all
around you and your love is all around me.

I carry you in my heart wherever I go and
I feel your love surrounding me, always.
Like a tight hug, your love makes me feel
safe and comforted.

Wishing you a happy birthday and sending
you even more love on your special day,
my darling.
I’m blessed to share my life with you, wife
I couldn't wish for a better husband
Happy birthday to my wonderful wife: 
my one and only, the love of my life!

I could never forget your birthday, 
my love. After all, it wouldn’t be 
worth the repercussions! 
My love for you stretches even further than the many miles between us!

Happy birthday, my darling!
Happy birthday, sweetie. It wouldn’t be my choice for your birthday wishes to be coming from far away this year, but I’m sending you all my love and more.
I’m sending all my love to one of my closest friends today! Happy birthday! Know that you’re so very precious to me and you always will be!
The birthday of my love
Is just moments away
But I can’t wait any longer
To welcome her special day!

Happy birthday!
May your birthday be a day
Full of happiness and glee
May it bring just as much
Joy as you bring to me
May you receive everything
That your heart desires 
May all your dreams come true
Because you deserve it all
Quite simply for being you.

Happy birthday, my love.
My love for you
knows no bounds,
for you are my

Happy birthday my
dear sweetheart.
My super sweet and loving boyfriend, I’m sending all of my love and my most romantic birthday wishes your way today as we celebrate your special day.

My whole heart belongs to you as you truly mean everything to me.
I won’t get too sentimental with my birthday
wishes as I don’t want to make you cry on
your birthday, my love!

Happy birthday with a big birthday kiss!

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