100+ Best Birthday Quotes & Wishes for Your Roommate

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HBW Editorial Team
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Birthday Wishes for Roommate

Wish your roommate the very best birthday with our huge selection of quotes and wishes!

Living with someone day in and day out often leads to a very special bond and unique friendship with that person. Show them how well you know them and choose a birthday message that matches their personality, be it funny birthday wishes or a more heartfelt message to tell them how much their friendship means to you.

35 Quick, Short Birthday Wishes for Your Roommate

  • Wishing a wonderful birthday to the most wonderful roommate. Have the best day!
  • Happy birthday to my wonderful friend and roommate who truly is a pleasure to live with!
  • You’re so much more than just my roomie, you’re a dear friend of mine, too! Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the kindest, most caring and most considerate roommate ever!
  • To my lovely roommate, I wish the very best birthday! 
  • Happy birthday! May your special day be as great as you are to live with!
  • Being roommates may only be temporary, but the friendship we’ve made is for life.
  • Happy birthday to the world’s best roomie! I’m lucky to share a space with someone so great!
  • Wishing the happiest birthday to my roommate and partner in crime! 
  • Happy birthday to my awesome housemate! Enjoy your day, you deserve it!
  • Sending the best birthday wishes to a roommate so great!
  • Happy birthday to my favourite ex-roommate! Living with you was a blast!
  • I’m hoping that this birthday will be your best one yet, roomie!
  • Happy birthday to someone who puts the mate in roommate!
  • Living with you is a breeze! Thanks for being the chillest roomie ever!
  • Happy birthday to my dear roommate who occupies a part of my home and an even bigger part of my heart!

happy birthday wishes

Happy birthday to the best roomie ever! May your special day be as fun as you are to live with!

  • Today is officially your birthday, but living with you means that everyday's a party! Happy bday!
  • Happy birthday, girl! Living with you is like living with a sister - just less annoying!
  • A roommate can be either your best friend or closest enemy, literally! Happy bday, bestie!
  • HBD! Thank you for making our home look like something off of pinterest!
  • Happy birthday to my favourite person to hang out with!
  • Living with you feels like I’m constantly staying in a hostel with my best friend.
  • Thank you for always bringing good vibes, roomie!
  • Happy birthday, roomie! Here’s a little birthday message for you to wake up to!
  • Thanks for all the wonderful memories we’ve created together over the years!
  • For a funny roommate, I hope your special day is one filled with laughter!
  • Happy birthday, homeboy! You’re a great pal and I’m lucky to have you so close to me!
  • You’re more than just someone I live with; you’re a person I know I can always rely on.
  • Happy bday to my fabulous roommate today! I hope you spend your day in the very best way!
  • I can’t believe how lucky I am to have such an incredible roomie like you! Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to someone who does a really great job of taking care of me and clearing up after me!
  • I wanted to get you a birthday gift, but having a wonderful roommate like me is the best gift in itself!
  • Happy birthday to a dear friend I’m lucky enough to live with, or rather, who’s lucky to live with me!
  • You're more than just a roommate. I’m grateful to have such a great friend at my side, day and night.
Happy birthday to the best ex-roommate out there! I feel grateful for the moments we shared and the memories we made whilst living under the same roof.
A kind, caring and considerate roommate
You are so much more than just a roomie
Wishing a very happy birthday to a dear roommate of mine!

You are the funniest and most entertaining person to live with!

There isn’t a day that goes by where you don’t brighten the mood in the house! Everyone loves you and you are just so great to have around!

I hope you enjoy your very special day today, roomie!
A true blessing of a roommate
Living with you is a gift in itself
Happy birthday to my wonderful friend
and roommate who truly is a pleasure
to live with!

I honestly couldn’t think of anyone better
to share my space with!

I hope your special day brings you a lot
of happiness and I also hope that the
year ahead is super kind to you!

All my very best to you, dear roommate!
The best roomie in the world
A wonderful roommate is an incredible gift
Happy birthday to a lovely, considerate and caring individual: my dear roommate!

I am truly blessed and so privileged to live with you!
The best part about having a stylish
roommate is that I get a second closet
full of clothes to choose from!

Happy birthday, roomie!
I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays today, my dear. To me, you will always be a friend first and a roommate second.
Happy birthday to someone I am proud to have as a roommate and can actually tolerate living with! There aren’t many people I could live with, trust me!

Enjoy your special day and I hope we can celebrate together later on!
Happy birthday!

You may be an ex-roommate,
but I hope you know that you’re
always welcome here. Don’t be
a stranger, my friend!
You may be an ex-roommate, but you’re definitely not an ex-mate! You’ll still occupy that space for a long time to come!
Today I have the greatest pleasure of wishing a fantastic friend and roommate of mine a very happy birthday!

I hope your special day brings you an infinite amount of happiness to make this year ahead as perfect as it can be!

Happy birthday, my dear!
Happy birthday to my dear roommate!

Having you close to me keeps me calm and warms my soul!

You bring so much zen to our little home and create such a tranquil environment! I’m so glad to have you as my roommate!

Wishing you a chill birthday this year!
I’m wishing you a very happy and special birthday today as you’re more than just a roommate to me, you’re a true friend.

Whenever I’ve needed someone to talk to, you were there to listen and provide support. I’m very grateful to have such a great friend at my side.
Happy birthday to my easy-going friend and roommate! Your relaxed and mellow approach to life makes you the best roomie ever!
Happy birthday to a dear friend I’m lucky enough to live with, or rather, who’s lucky to live with me!

You truly put the mate in roommate.
Happy birthday to my roommate and mate in general!

You are more than just someone I live with; you are a kind and caring person who I know I can always rely on.

Thank you for being the incredible human being that you are! Enjoy your special day, my dear!
HBW Editorial Team
HBW Editorial Team
Happy Birthday Wisher relies on a team of writers, editors, poets, and enthusiasts to produce, organize, and review all the content.

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