Birthday Wishes for Daughter and Son

332 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy birthday, my darling daughter. Since it’s your special day and you’re my very special girl, I want to make sure you know that there is nobody in the world who will be there for you more than your dear dad.

That’s the way it has always been, and that will never ever change for as long as I live.
May you continue being lovely, my sweet girl
The proud parent of a 21-year-old girl
Year after year you impress me even more,
and that’s only one of the many reasons
why you’re the daughter I adore!

Happy birthday from dad!
You deserve everything your heart desires
I’m blessed to have you as a son
As a father, nothing brings more joy to my heart than seeing my sweet daughter grow another year older and more beautiful than ever.

Happy birthday, my wonderful girl.
I keep getting prouder of you, son
Happy heartfelt birthday, son
Year after year, my heart grows with all the love I have for you, my sweet princess.

I’m so proud to have a daughter as special as you. Happy birthday.
My sweet daughter,
Even before your very first birthday,
I have loved you with all my heart.

Happy birthday and lots of love from dad.
Lots of 1st birthday love from mom
My boy is turning another year older today
On your very prestigious 18th birthday, my dear daughter, I’m sending you extra special wishes with all my love. Happy birthday from dad.
My darling girl turns another year older today
1 whole year of pure love and joy
My little girl turns 3 today! Happy birthday, cutie-pie!

I can’t quite express my gratitude for all the smiles you have brought to my face and the power in which you have touched my heart over the past 3 years, my baby girl. You truly are something very special.

Wishing you a happy third birthday today and many more lovely birthdays to come!
Happy birthday to the apple of
my eye, the one I adore more
than any other: my dear son!

To the most special person in
my life, now and always, I hope
you have a fantastic birthday
and the very best year ahead,
my dear!
Happy birthday to my very special little man!

You are growing up to be such a kind, sweet, and caring boy and I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say that I couldn’t be any prouder of you.

I will be forever grateful for being blessed with a son like you.
Today I am wishing my lovely daughter, the apple of my eye, the very best birthday! 

I hope that life always brings you happiness, just as you deserve. You are the sweetest, kindest, most caring young person I know, and I am so proud and lucky to be able to call you my daughter! 

Sending you all my love on your special day this year, my dear!

Kisses from mom!
One today! Hooray!

Happy 1st birthday to my daughter.

I never imagined that something so tiny
could bring so much love and joy to my
heart in the space of just one year.

You truly are a blessing, baby girl.
Everybody says it, you’re a mini
version of me, son! I don’t know if
that’s a good or a bad thing, but I
certainly love that people see us
as such similar characters!

I like to think that you inherited all
of the good traits, as I see nothing
but perfection in you. You make me
prouder each and every day.

Keep doing what you’re doing, and
keep developing into the beautiful
person that you are!

Always be happy, my dear boy,
and I hope that you have a
a really great birthday!

Love, dad.
Happy birthday to my little princess who turns another year older today!

Lots of love from mommy!
My sweet daughter, watching you
grow older and become an even more
wonderful person each year is one of
the greatest joys and best gifts that life
could bring to my heart.

I'm so lucky to be your mom, and I'll be
forever grateful for having that privilege.

I’m wishing you a very happy birthday,
my dear.
Mommy’s little prince is celebrating his first birthday ever today!

My adorable boy, even though you won’t remember this very special day, I hope you look back on it with love and see that I adored you with all of my heart!

Happy 1st birthday, my world!

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