Birthday Wishes for Boyfriend Long Distance

84 happy birthday wishes found:

My sweet man, I want to wish you
the very best birthday today!

I know how difficult being apart has
been, and I just want to thank you
for being so supportive and making
so much effort to make this work!

I never feel like I am out of sight
and out of mind, you are so considerate
and you're always there when I need you.

You are my rock! Love you always!
I wish I could be in your arms today
I’ve searched to the very bottom of my heart to send you my deepest birthday wishes today, my love.

I wish I could be with you in person to celebrate your special day and make it more romantic, but we will make up for it when we’re reunited soon.

I'm sending you all my love today and the biggest birthday kisses possible.
It doesn’t matter where either of us are in
the world, together or apart, my love is all
around you and your love is all around me.

I carry you in my heart wherever I go and
I feel your love surrounding me, always.
Like a tight hug, your love makes me feel
safe and comforted.

Wishing you a happy birthday and sending
you even more love on your special day,
my darling.
My love for you stretches even further than the many miles between us!

Happy birthday, my darling!
I wish time travel already existed so that I could teleport myself into your arms today, my sweet man. Until then, I’m wishing you a happy birthday from here.
If I were there with you in person today I
could be more romantic, but know that
you’re still in my thoughts and in my heart.

I’m sending you all my prayers and wishes
on your special day today. Happy birthday
from your ever-loving girlfriend.
If I had but one wish, it would be that
on your birthday this year, you were
here holding me in your arms.

But I know that it is your birthday so
you make the wishes, and I am sure
you’ll be thinking of me when you’re
blowing out your candles.

Happy birthday, my love. I am counting
down the days until we are reunited.
Happy birthday to you today, my handsome man! I would fly your birthday wishes to you today, but I’d be too tempted to hop on board and join them!

I hope you have a lovely day and we’ll celebrate together soon, my love.
Happy birthday to you today, my one
and only.

You might be too far away for me to
give you a present this year, but I’m
sending you the biggest kiss from here.

I hope your special day is still a
special one without me there.
You are special to me in every way imaginable, and simply not having you here by my side makes it feel like there’s a part of me missing.

I can’t wait to be held in your big arms once again. Happy birthday, my love.
Happy birthday to my man!

Although you are not here beside me
in person for your special day, you are
in my dreams and in my heart.

This time and distance apart that we
must endure is just a test on our love,
one of which is but a cinch given how
strong our love is.

It will only make us cherish our time
together even more than we already do.
You are my world, and wherever you
may be in it, you’ll always be the most
important person in my life.
Have a marvellous birthday, my dear.
You deserve it!
On your birthday of all days,
I wish you weren’t so far away
But know that if it was possible,
I’d walk a thousand miles to
Celebrate with you, to make
Sure you have a great day.

Happy birthday, my love.
A love like ours so strong and meaningful cannot be weakened by any amount of distance between us.

I’m sending you all my love today, my gorgeous guy. Happy birthday.
You’re so close yet so far away, my love,
as there are forces currently preventing
us from being together in person and
keeping us from celebrating your
birthday as usual this year.

May this only be temporary and hopefully,
there's going to be better times ahead.
Happy birthday to you from afar, my dear.
Happy birthday, my dear.

We are apart,
but only in person
for you’re always in
my heart wherever I go.

I can’t wait until this
distance is a thing of
the past, and we can
finally start to plan
our future together.

But until then I’ll be
patient, because I know
that it’ll be worth it when
we see each other again.

With all my love
on your special day!

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