Happy 60th Birthday

40 happy birthday wishes found:

You’re not so much old as you are simply a classic now! Over time, you’ve just been improving and becoming more fabulous and classy!

Happy birthday to you and here’s to the next 60 years being as wonderful as the first 60 have been!
Turning 60 obviously agrees with you as it suits you well! You must be in your prime as never before have you looked so good!

I’m wishing you a wonderful birthday today that fills you with joy and happy memories to cherish!
Happy birthday to you!

Turning 60 doesn’t mean that you’re old, it simply means you’re becoming a classic!
Just to remind you, it’s your birthday today! I thought you might’ve forgotten what with your old age.

Don’t worry if you did forget, it’s just something that happens when you reach a certain point in your life! Happy birthday!
As the years pass by you’ll inevitably
notice more and more wrinkles, but
that’s nothing a good party can’t iron
out! We’ll have you back to your
smooth self in no time!

Happy birthday to you and here’s
to you turning 60 today!
Happy birthday to you! Your fifties are finally over as today you embark on your journey into your sixties! Now the real fun can begin!

I’m wishing you all the best for what is hopefully the best decade of your life!
Happy birthday to the youngest 60-year-old I know! Anyone who says that you’re already past your prime obviously doesn’t know you very well at all!
Turning 60 means that you’ve completed the hard part of life’s journey, now you can start to unwind and relax and just enjoy the adventure! Happy birthday to you!
If you’re feeling old on your special day this year, fear not! Just remember that you’re not 60, you’re simply two lots of 30!

May this one be just as fabulous as the first time around! Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you and remember:
being 60 is three times better and more
awesome than being 20!

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