4th Birthday Wishes

32 happy birthday wishes found:

Happy 4th birthday!

I’m sending four very special wishes
to you on your big birthday today!

Just remember to use them wisely
and I hope each one of them comes
true for you, sweetie!

Big hugs and kisses to you today!
Now that you are 4
You can do so much more
Than you could when you
Were 1, 2, or 3!

I’m wishing you the loveliest
4th birthday ever, sweetie!
I hope your magical day is
Full of exciting surprises!
As you blow out each 
Of your candles today 
Remember to make four 
Wishes on your special day!

Happy 4th birthday!
My sweet grandson, today you turn 4-years-old and I am beaming with joy for you! I hope you enjoy your special day!
Today is a very special day,
as a cheeky little girl who we
all adore is turning the very
impressive age of four!

I’m sending all my love to you
today, and I’m wishing you tons
of happiness forevermore!

Happy birthday, little one!
I heard that somebody very special turns 4-years-old today… You!

Wishing you a lovely birthday with your lovely family, my dear!
Happy birthday, little one!

May your fourth year of life be filled with lots of love and a ton of happiness!
Happy birthday to the sweetest child who is turning 4-years-old today!

I’m wishing you a lifetime of happiness because you deserve it, my dear!

I hope you have a lovely birthday and enjoy opening lots of exciting presents and eating lots of cake!
My very own little monster turns 4 today!

Sending you lots of love and wishing you a terrifyingly great birthday, buddy!
Today, my dear
You’re turning 4
And I’m wishing 
You happiness 

May your special day
Be full of presents,
Love, laughter and,
Of course, lots of cake!
Four big kisses for my big birthday
boy on his special day!

I hope you have an absolute blast
at your party and enjoy playing with
all your little friends!

I’m so looking forward to seeing that
happy, smiling face of yours enjoying
your day!
Happy birthday to a cheeky little nipper!

Today is your fourth birthday, my sweetheart! I hope you have a day full of fun adventures, lots of cool activities and a ton of joyful and playful moments with your little friends!
Big hugs and kisses for a 4-year-old so terrific! I’m hoping that your big birthday bash is wonderful and magical!
Happy birthday to the cutest, giggliest,
most adorable 4-year-old I know!

You are simply beautiful inside and
out, and I hope that’s something you
never ever grow out of!
Today you are older than ever before, as we’re celebrating the fact that you’re turning four! Happy birthday to you, little one!

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